Audiobooks – My Little Secret
Mathew Teakle on 24 May, 2014

As I’ve gotten busier, the time I have available to sit and read a book has rapidly diminished. I do however, spend a lot of time sitting in my car driving – hence my love for audiobooks. I download all my books from directly onto my iPhone and listen to them while I drive and while working out at the gym.
Depending upon your style of learning, audio books can be a great resource. Some people tend to understand the text better when it’s read to them expressively. Others like to read along because that helps with focus and enables note taking. If you’re struggling with understanding the language in Shakespeare for example, listening to an audiobook can be a huge help.
One disadvantage of an Audiobook is that you are using the same device that has an infinite amount of built in distractions. My advice is to turn your phone onto airplane mode for the amount of time you want to dedicate to ‘reading’ and put it out of sight.
Bluetooth headphones are great for audiobooks too, now, if I could just get them to connect properly…